After a Cerebral Catheter Angiography


At Al Hayat Center for Interventional Radiology and Neurointervention, we are always pleased to receive your inquiries and questions, and we dedicate this article to answering the most frequently asked questions regarding the cerebral catheter angiography and post-cerebral catheter angiography procedure.

The network of cerebral vessels and capillaries is highly intricate and delicate; even a minor occlusion or hemorrhage in one of the brain tissue layers can cause severe damage.

Symptoms of brain clots appear in the form of:
- Balance or vision disturbance.
- Limbs numbness, senses or cognition disturbance that requires rapid medical intervention so that the patient can be saved from serious complications that may include:
*Loss of speech.
* Hemiplegia or complete clinical paralysis and other permanent complications that are difficult to treat later and may lead to death if neglected.

Diagnostic cerebral catheter angiography:
Here, diagnostic cerebral catheter angiography plays a crucial role in visualizing the blood vessels in the brain and detecting any blockage in the form of a clot, atherosclerosis, or an aneurysm.
At Al Hayat Center, the medical team utilizes diagnostic cerebral catheter angiography to assess the patient's condition, respond promptly, and formulate a treatment plan as efficiently as possible.

Is cerebral catheter angiography procedure dangerous?
To answer the question, let's first look at how this process works.
A chemical substance is injected into the carotid artery to reach the brain and circulate with the blood in the network of blood vessels to be visible in the images. An incision is made in the groin or wrist with proper sterilization, and the patient is given local anesthesia for the site of the incision. It should be noted that a diagnostic cerebral catheter angiography does not involve any surgical intervention on the brain tissue itself, and therefore, it is not considered to be dangerous.

In terms of potential risks, it must be ensured that there is no allergy to any chemicals, including allergy to iodine dye or any other substances involved in this procedure. Bleeding and infection risks at the site of the catheter opening are potential risks of any interventional procedure and are followed up by the medical team at Al Hayat Center. The patient may feel some pain and dizziness after this procedure.

The patient must inform the doctor of any chronic diseases or medications taken before this procedure and stop anticoagulant and anti-platelet drugs after consulting the doctor, as well as checking the condition of the kidneys before the patient undergoes this procedure by analyzing the serum creatinine and ultrasound imaging of the pelvis.

How long does cerebral catheter angiography take?
It does not take more than a few hours, and the patient does not undergo general anesthesia.

Therapeutic cerebral catheter angiography:
The role of cerebral catheter angiography is not limited to diagnosis only. Therapeutic cerebral catheter angiography plays a major role in treating brain diseases without resorting to direct surgical intervention, which may damage brain tissue and expose the patient to the risks of surgery.

The importance of therapeutic cerebral catheter angiography can be seen in cases such as:
Brain clots, the doctor injects clot-dissolving substances into the clot site or withdraws the clots using a catheter. The clots can be dissolved in the first six hours of detection.
Atherosclerosis of the cerebral arteries, which commonly affects the elderly, prompts the doctor to place stents in the brain arteries to enhance blood flow and prevent clot formation. This intervention also helps protect against complications from poor brain circulation, such as dementia, difficulty concentrating, and forgetfulness, since the physiological nature of the brain tissue is as if a part atrophied, it cannot be replaced, and the injury resulting from this atrophy is permanent.
Arterial aneurysms, which cause high blood pressure in the brain and can lead to many complications, stents can be placed to mark where the blood flow is and prevent it from going out of its path.
In cases of brain tumors, it is important to reduce the size of the tumor using a therapeutic cerebral catheter angiography before surgery to reduce the size of the resected part and thus reduce the side effects of the surgery.
For cerebral hematomas that result from brain injuries such as road accidents or falling from a high place, the doctor injects substances that prevent cerebral hemorrhage, which is a serious condition with complications such as impaired consciousness, damage to other parts of the body such as limbs, or coma.

The success rate of cerebral catheter angiography:
As a precise exploratory and therapeutic procedure, cerebral catheter angiography has a very high success rate, as it is performed with high-resolution computerized imaging, and its role cannot be neglected and is essential for the rapid and accurate treatment of a brain injury patient.

The cost of cerebral catheter angiography:
The price varies according to the procedure followed, and it is always recommended to refer to the doctor and consult him on the type of appropriate therapeutic procedure for each case. It should always be noted that early detection, diagnosis, and treatment of any disease condition avoids many complications and surgical procedures, which may increase the cost of treatment and help the patient return to his lifestyle quickly without any damage or obstacles.

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